The Beautiful Sinner by Emily R. Zajac is now live

Hey ya'll, in case you didn't know I have the pleasure of working as a PA for the lovely Emily R. Zajac. She just released her new book, The Beautiful Sinner as a surprise for everyone. It's a bit on the racier side, but absolutely amazing. And I think you will all love it. Plus it's only $0.99 on Amazon.

I will have a review up in a few days for ya'll so be looking out for it.

Such a simple word, yet it holds no meaning to me.
It used to, but not anymore.
I’ve seen the dark side of life.
I’ve let it in.
And, once you let that part in.
There is no going back.
So many parts of who I was, and what I believed in has changed since her death.
Part of me wishes that I could be the person before.
Another part of me wishes that guy would vanish completely.
But then, there is Alyssa Dawn.
She sees the good parts of me.
She wants me to be the guy I used to be.
She wants to help me.
But, she can’t.
Faith was my whole life. It powered me to do more. Be more.
It doesn’t anymore.
It’s gone.
And, it took me with it.
My name is Cameron Drake.
Some say I’m the devils son.
They were right.

Be sure to pop on over to Emily's Facebook page and wish her a happy book birthday or just a quick hello

Thanks a ton :)